Recipients of the Gerhard Geldenhuys Medal
Full project reports may be accessed by clicking on each profile thumbnail.

HJ Callaghan Stellenbosch University "Mobile clinic deployment in the Witzenberg region"

W Moore Stellenbosch University "Shared-resource school timetabling decision support"

R Hagspihl Stellenbosch University "The number of pickers and SKU arrangement on a unidirectional picking line"
Winners before the introduction of competition medals
Full project reports may be accessed by clicking on each profile thumbnail.

A Moodley University of KwaZulu-Natal "Portfolio selection with heuristic optimization"

AJ Smit Stellenbosch University "The problem of till staff duty scheduling at retail outlets"

J Buhrman University of South Africa "A comparison of heuristic methods in facility location"

J Matthews Stellenbosch University "Single fixed crane optimisation within a distribution centre"

Z Simpson Stellenbosch University "A continuum of combinatorial optimisation problems involing the partition of items into clusters"

T Daniels University of Cape Town "Modelling and forecasting South African house prices"

R Jooste Stellenbosch University "Spouse-avoiding mixed doubles tennis tournaments"

DG Conradie University of Pretoria "A genetic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with multiple constraints"

GM Booysens University of Pretoria "A dynamic vehicle routing and scheduling optimisation algorithm"

M Salmon University of Pretoria "Development of a metaheuristic for the vehicle routing problem with various side constraints"

J Lejaha University of Witswatersrand "Eskom commercial availability"

MJ Louw Stellenbosch University "Finding good nursing schedules"

PJ Theron University of Cape Town "Minimising long term agricultural price risk: A quadratic programming model based on the Markowitz mean-variance approach"

EA Wagenaar Stellenbosch University "Quantifying the role of personal management style in the success of investment portfolios"

R Bernstein Stellenbosch University "A study of a label producing enterprise in the Eastern Cape"

K Koch University of Natal A wildlife management project (Exact title not available)

AJ Maitland University of the Witwatersrand "Cash inventory control"

MR Britton University of South Africa "Budget plans for the stocking of the Jackal Den Nature Reserve"

H Fulle University of Cape Town "Investigation to determine the optimal levels of metal ring stock to be held at the South African Bird Ringing Unit at UCT"

M Krafft University of Stellenbosch "A mathematical programming approach to irrigation management"

L van Coller University of Stellenbosch "Optimal biological control strategies for a problem in the sugar" industry - A mathematical modelling approach