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Enter the ORSSA National Student Competition

NSC nomination  form
Competition category
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The lecturer who has acted as supervisor with respect to the year project of an honours or fourth-year level student, or to the thesis of a masters level student who intends to participate in the competition should complete this nomination form. Students may not nominate their own work and late entries will not be considered.

The submission shall be formatted according to the ORiON Journal author guidelines and shall not exceed an upper bound of 20 pages. The submission shall be accompanied by the full project report or thesis for adjudicator reference should any part of the entry need greater clarification. Entrants may indicate whether they want to have their abridged document automatically considered by the Editor in Chief of ORiON for publication in this journal. The call for entries was made on 18 March 2024, set to close on 15 May 2024, and made subject to an extended submission deadline of 31 May 2024.

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