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The ORSSA Newsletter

In 2021 the Executive Committee (EC) of ORSSA decided to move from a quarterly newsletter to an online blog as the main vehicle for sharing news within the Society. The need for at least one annual highlights magazine remained and the ORSSA Newsletter was reimagined as the Society's yearly highlights magazine to serve as a time capsule for news and events within the Society. At the end of each year an edition is published online with a hard-copy edition sent to members as a keepsake memento for the relevant year. The highlights magazine typically includes

  • A column from the president's desk

  • A summary of the year's most popular events

  • Record of the most important updates and changes to the Society during the year

  • In memoriam for members lost during the year

  • Delegate feedback from the Annual Conference

  • A summary of the awards won by members both internally and externally

  • Calls for papers for the next Annual Conference, when appropriate

  • Various OR-related advertisements

  • Various other news items on an ad hoc basis

past editors

Past Newsletter Editors

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